
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Exotic quantum crystal discovered: Researchers discover novel state of crystal matter

Exotic quantum crystal discovered: Researchers discover novel state of crystal matter Here we go ...a new state of matter! Wow, when we leave here, we have lots of stages to go through...and worlds within worlds of experience all shapes and forms...maybe?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My main blogspot is my main posting location, for all sorts of chatty things, music, books, etc.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Future Science

This book has great reviews, I have put it on my order list at Amazon.

this one looks good, think I will take a look at itFuture science: Life energies and the physics of paranormal phenomena

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Light of Consciousness | Swami Amar Jyoti | Spiritual Inspiration | Science and Spirituality

Light of Consciousness Swami Amar Jyoti Spiritual Inspiration Science and Spirituality

Support for this research is creating wondrous discoveries, I highly recommend this book

Through The Wormhole - Season 2 Episode 5 Part 3

Children’s Memories of Previous Lives | Issue Twelve, July 2011 | Noetic Now | Institute of Noetic Sciences

Children’s Memories of Previous Lives Issue Twelve, July 2011 Noetic Now Institute of Noetic Sciences
Life before Life: A Scientific Investigation of Children's Memories of Previous Lives.(Book review): An article from: The Journal of Parapsychology

Twin Telepathy and the Illusion of Separation | IONS Library | Institute of Noetic Sciences

Twin Telepathy and the Illusion of Separation IONS Library Institute of Noetic Sciences

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tribe meets white man for the first time - Reddit!

Tata Motors, compressed air engines for cars

So, I got excited, compressed air engines for cars is the first new exciting idea,that caused me to call my stock broker, and say," tell me about Tata Motors, I love what they are doing!"

We need to get you on our stock exchange!

 Tata Motors if you are reading this, please come to the United States, to Massachusetts, where innovation will welcome you, in our Rt 495 Corridor, Contact me...we might have the space for you!

I .am rooting for you and thousands and maybe more..people hope you make it with this great innovative idea

Brazil government identifies uncontacted tribe

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Anatomy of the Spirit

If you are on a journey into the inner worlds, this is a good start.
Carolyn Myss is a marvelous writer. 

Psychic Exploration

This is going to be published again, and the price is going to be much more than this.Mitchell envisions a science where "physical and metaphysical realms are shown to be different aspects of the same reality."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Walt Whitman, The American Rumi

Walt Whitman, The American Rumi

The Social Psychological Narrative — Or — What Is Social Psychology, Anyway? | Conversation | Edge

The Social Psychological Narrative — Or — What Is Social Psychology, Anyway? Conversation Edge

Why do people say one thing, do another?  Why do they defend their actions without thinking of how it sounds or what the excuse means?  This is truly interesting for those of us that like to think of what causes certain actions and how to understand why people do not always answer the question in a sensible manner.
I even catch myself doing this and wonder why the words that came out, where said, as had I given thought to my response, I might have answered in a different manner.   Have you encountered that phenomenon?

Monday, June 6, 2011

Medieval Mourners

These medieval mourners are on display in the united States for the first time,w hile their home is getting a make over.  I believe they opened in Los Angeles in May, they are traveling to Minneapolis Minnesota, and Richmond , Virginia.  These are some of the most famous French sculptures from the late Middle Ages.  The 39 figures adorn the tomb of John the Fearless, the 2nd Duke of Burgundy, who ruled 1404-1419.  He and his wife stand over the grave in life size sculptures, the mourners  are 16 inches high, representing a masterpiece of expression in marble.

Each figure is frozen in a moment of acute sorrow.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Magnetic Pole shifts Kills MIllions of animals January 2011(2012)

Interesting things are always happening.                             

Friday, May 27, 2011

Le Quattro Volte - Movie Review

Le Quattro Volte - Movie Review A strange film, that conveys a message of the transmutation of matter. It is a video, without words, that conveys the story.

Have you ever purchased a movie and surprised yourself that it was not in English when you got it home.? I just watched Mongol.  Since I knew the story , I was able to enjoy the film even without an understanding, of the language but I was surprised that the film was not clearly marked, as being in a foreign language.

Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images | Historic Mysteries

Egyptian pyramids found by infra-red satellite images Historic Mysteries Always exciting to learn that we have more ancient sites to review, more discoveries about the past to unearth.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Co-incidence, chance? or ?

In my book, "Secrets of the Heart",
 I tell of the event that helped me discover this book, "The Hearts Code , as Maggie Pitter, mourns the death of her mother.  Driving down Route 9, aimlessly, I was prompted to go to Barnes and Noble to find a book, to bury my sadness in reading something.

At the bookstore, I aimlessly wondered the shelves, still thinking of my mother's death and the miracle at her bedside.   Finally , I said, to myself, ' mom help me find a book'.
I put my hand up and as I reached aimlessly a book dropped into my hand. It actually toppled off the shelf as I was reaching up.

This was the book, "The Hearts Code",   I read it in amazement and even cried as I realized how blind we are to the many facets of existence, we still do not understand.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Life at the Frontiers of Energy Research Video Contest Entries | EFRC Summit & Forum

Coming to God, in spirit and in soul

About 15 years ago, when my mother lay dying, I shared a vision with her, and the Sister that was in charge of the nursing home.  I cried for weeks, because I could not believe it, nor did I feel that I should be able to witness this magnificent gift..  Finally, I was motivated by various circumstances, beginning with a friend who kept telling me  he was writing a book.  He would ask, " why don't you write a book?"

Since this was the most momentous event in my life, I spun a yarn around the event of my mother's death, and the death of my daughter Karen.  It is a hopeful book for those that are dying, and for those that fear dying.   It is a book of love, between man and woman, the self and God, told in dreams and visions, sprinkled with songs of the times, going back to the 1940's and 1950's. 

Arthritis pain,other types of pain, try this

This stuff is amazing, if you have bone pain from arthritis, try spraying this on.  It feels sticky, but will not stick to your clothes.  I use it after a shower, and when in bed at night if I get night pains.   Be careful when first trying it , not to put it on open wounds, it burns.  Some people might feel a slight burning sensation on normal skin, but this is nothing compared to the relief you get, experiment with it and see if it helps you.

Green tea and tai chi enhance bone health and reduce inflammation in postmenopausal women

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


EDGE 342 - May 4, 2011
7,100 words

This online edition with EDGE Video is available at  :Academic debate: Practicing argumentative theory
THE THIRD CULTURE                                                        

A Conversation with Hugo Mercier


Last July, opening the Edge Seminar, "The New Science of Morality", Jonathan Haidt digressed to talk about two recently-published papers in Behavioral and Brain Sciences which he believed were "so important that the abstracts from them should be posted in psychology departments all over the country."

One of the papers "Why Do Humans Reason? Arguments for an Argumentative Theory," published by Behavioral and Brain Sciences, was by Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber.

"The article,” Haidt said, "is a review of a puzzle that has bedeviled researchers in cognitive psychology and social cognition for a long time. The puzzle is, why are humans so amazingly bad at reasoning in some contexts, and so amazingly good in others?"

"Reasoning was not designed to pursue the truth. Reasoning was designed by evolution to help us win arguments. That's why they call it The Argumentative Theory of Reasoning. So, as they put it, "The evidence reviewed here shows not only that reasoning falls quite short of reliably delivering rational beliefs and rational decisions. It may even be, in a variety of cases, detrimental to rationality. Reasoning can lead to poor outcomes, not because humans are bad at it, but because they systematically strive for arguments that justify their beliefs or their actions. This explains the confirmation bias, motivated reasoning, and reason-based choice, among other things."

"Now, the authors point out that we can and do re-use our reasoning abilities. We're sitting here at a conference. We're reasoning together. We can re-use our argumentative reasoning for other purposes. But even there, it shows the marks of its heritage. Even there, our thought processes tend towards confirmation of our own ideas. Science works very well as a social process, when we can come together and find flaws in each other's reasoning. We can't find the problems in our own reasoning very well. But, that's what other people are for, is to criticize us. And together, we hope the truth comes out."

Dan Sperber, an influential French social and cognitive scientist, is widely recognized as being among the most brilliant cognitive scientists writing about reason, language, culture, and human evolution. Hugo Mercier, his former student, is a post-doc at University of Pennsylvania and coauthor with Sperber of a number of papers.

Their Argumentative Theory has already generated much excitement in the academic community. Reaction — from heated rejection to enthusiastic acceptation — have never been indifferent. The paper has created a storm of interest and controversy and has has attracted attention well beyond academic circles. Sharon Begley (Newsweek) and Jonah Lehrer (Wired) were among the many journalists who wrote stories.  In addition, many leading thinkers have taken note.

Gerd Gigerenzer finds this view on reasoning is most provocative as "reasoning is not about truth but about convincing others when trust alone is not enough. Doing so may seem irrational, but it is in fact social intelligence at its best." Steven Pinker notes that "The Argumentative Theory is original and provocative, has a large degree of support, and is strikingly relevant to contemporary affairs, including political discourse, higher education, and the nature of reason and rationality. It is likely to have a big impact on our understanding of ourselves and current affairs."

And Jonathan Haidt says the “the article is one of my favorite papers of the last ten years. I believe that they have solved one of the most important and longstanding puzzles in psychology: why are we so good at reasoning in some cases, but so hopelessly biased in others? Once I read their paper, I saw the argumentative function" of reasoning everywhere — particularly in the reasoning of people I disagreed with, but also occasionally even in myself. They're on to a very powerful idea with many social and educational ramifications."

— JB

HUGO MERCIER is a cognitive scientist and a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He did his doctoral work under Sperber's supervision on reasoning and argumentation and he has published many articles on the argumentative theory, several of them in collaboration with Sperber.


[MERCIER:] Dan Sperber came up with the argumentative theory because he was taking stock of what was happening in the world of psychology at large. A lot of people in psychology were accumulating evidence that the mind, and reasoning in particular, doesn't work so well. Reasoning produces a lot of mistakes. We are not very good in statistics, and we can't understand very basic logical problems.

We do all these irrational things, and despite mounting results, people are not really changing their basic assumption. They are not challenging the basic idea that reasoning is for individual purposes. The premise is that reasoning should help us make better decisions, get at better beliefs. And if you start from this premise, then it follows that reasoning should help us deal with logical problems and it should help us understand statistics. But reasoning doesn't do all these things, or it does all these things very, very poorly. ...


Stewart Brand


By John Brockman

In the MOMA exhibit ACCESS TO TOOLS: Publications from the Whole Earth Catalog 1968-1974, David Senior, Bibliographer of the MoMA Library gives due credit to Stewart Brand's early years as member of the USCO ("US" company), an anonymous group of artists whose installations and events combined multiple audio and visual inputs, including film, slides, video, lighting, music, and random sounds. That's where I first met Stewart Brand in 1965. We hit it off immediately and have been in touch consistently for the past forty-six years, and from the outset, he has been one of the key advisors and contributors to Edge.

EDGE is pleased to point its readers to the online MOMA exhibit about Brand's influential early work. For background about those years, check out the introduction to the the Edge excerpt of "Stewart Brand Meets the Cybernetic Counterculture" from Fred Turner's book From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism.

STEWART BRAND, the founder and original editor of the Whole Earth Catalog, (Winner of the National Book Award), is ALSO cofounder and co-chairman of The Long Now Foundation.



While walking through MOMA en route to the Exhibit of Stewart Brand's Whole Earth publications, I recalled another USCO collaboration in which USCO artist Judi Stern and I collaborated on the silk-screen on metalized mylar version of the poster I created for the Monkee's movie, HEAD. The poster is part of MOMA's permanent collection and is usually on display...

... While I searched the MOMA site for a link to the poster (to no avail),  I came across a rather strange Website called "Some of the Corpses Are Amusing", in which somebody put in an extraordinary amount of time presenting a very detailed report on a somewhat obscure movie made 43 years ago. It's more than anyone can possibly ever want to know about the movie HEAD or my role in it.


Channeling the Microbiome
By Sarah Greene, The Scientist [5.1.11]

This year,’s annual question asked scientists “What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit?” Stewart Brand’s wonderfully articulate response begins by recalling Carl Woese’s estimate that bacteria make up 80 percent of Earth’s biomass: ...


A Moses for the 21st Century
Kristel Segeren & Arjan Terpstra, Dagblad De Pers[4.30.11]

[Google translation] Brockman asked that question to 151 scientists, philosophers and writers from their own field all have a say about the rise of the Internet. It produces a cacophony of techno lovers and haters of ripe and green thoughts. The discussions and the sometimes extreme views have no one to disturb.

For every Francis Bacon, there is a Luddite. New Atlantis, Bacon wrote in 1627, which he described a future in which man "everything possible" in technology was realized. Luddite beat England in the nineteenth century as industrialization destroyed all looms in the weaving industry led to unemployment. ...


Analyzing the Thinking Process: Interview with Diane Halpern
Jamie Hale, Psych Central [4.24.11]

...Recently you answered the question, posed by Steven Pinker: “What scientific concept would improve everybody’s cognitive toolkit?” Could you provide our readers with an abbreviated version of your answer?

I wrote about understanding the term “statistically significant difference.” I think that it is often misunderstood. Even if a difference is statistically significant, it may be too small to be meaningful, and there is always a chance that the conclusion is wrong. ...


Internet And Modern Parenting
Janette Toral, Sun Star [4.6.11]

LAST week, I started reading the book “Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?,” which has a compilation of insights from several thinkers and edited by John Brockman.

I am not yet finished with the book but the insights I gained have brought about interesting questions and I’m sure if you read the book, it will also make you ponder....


The Brain Is No Longer Alone

Thought Network Edge collects ones in various fields to reflect on a single question every year. It has this year resulted in a book titled "Is the Internet changing the way you think?" , where names such as Steven Pinker, Clay Shirky, Richard Dawkins and 140 other smart projections are trying to answer the question in their own personal way.
The answers vary in all directions. Some people think our mindset changed completely, others say flatly no. Strikingly, many of these gifted, intense Internet users compare the network's power with candy for the brain.


IlSole 24 ORE
Ecosystem Stories
Luca De Biase, Il Sole 24 Ore [4.3.11]

Nicholas Carr is right to wonder if Google makes us stupid. The question is more relevant than ever, as evidenced by the editor of, John Brockman. The site at the beginning of 2010 held its annual debate (online) around the question: "How the Internet is changing our thinking? ". The question is deliberately ambiguous, because it affects both what we think, both our cognitive paths. And that leads to the physicist Daniel Hillis noted that it is not the internet web.Today phones with internet, it runs the air traffic on the Internet, it rules the world with Internet logistics. And in this way the Internet changes our way of thinking. And it will change even more in the future. " What has been done with the Internet so far is nothing compared to what still can be done. ....


From The Edge: What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody's Cognitive Toolkit?
Ronald Bailey, Reason [3.29.11]

This interesting David Brooks column in today's New York Times alerted me to the's latest World Question: What Scientific Concept Would Improve Everybody's Cognitive Toolkit? What particularly caught my attention was 2002 Economics Nobelist Daniel Kahneman's entry on the "focusing illusion" which he summarizes as: "Nothing In Life Is As Important As You Think It Is, While You Are Thinking About It." Kahneman asserts: ...


This online edition with EDGE Video is available at:
Edge Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit private operating foundation under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

John Brockman, Editor and Publisher
Russell Weinberger, AssociatePublisher

Copyright (c) 2010 by EDGE Foundation, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Published by EDGE Foundation, Inc.,
5 East 59th Street,
New York, NY  10022


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Scientists create world's first 'super-twisted' light

Single atom stores quantum information

Single atom stores quantum information Wow, the implications of this, are spectacular, including the possibility of storing and reviving DNA
What good would that be? Who would want to come back and live the same life in a new body? Would you want to relive some of the events in your past life?
Perhaps some day that will be one of the challenges we face on earth, to come back in the same body and the same circumstances and relive it , but do a better job!Is it possible, when every action causes reaction? Sometimes lack of reaction causes another more severe action , to make you take notice....and then....well, you know the rest.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tom Shadyac, Director of "I AM": Can You Elevate the Mood of Your... Yog...

This has been established more than once.  My favorite book for many years is "The Secret Life of Plants", it took my breath away when I found it and started to read it.  Take a peek at the book, you too , might like it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Miracles do not violate natural laws -, Philippine News for Filipinos

Miracles do not violate natural laws -, Philippine News for Filipinos

I could not believe it, some of these books don't have prices, because they are free on Kindle.

I got a novel on Kindle this week and there was no charge I will post it on

TEDxCaltech - Lyle Mays and Friends

How interesting! This came to me on Facebook through Melissa Collard who has her own album out this week, look her up!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Korea stricken with foot & mouth disease out break » Opening Up North Korea

Korea stricken with foot & mouth disease out break » Opening Up North Korea This could threaten the world, since the public health facilities are not as good, this could conceivably travel up to the continent and beyond, according to one of our Veterinarians

Monday, April 11, 2011

Similarities Between Tutankhamen and Antiochus VI Dionysus of Persia

Similarities Between Tutankhamen and Antiochus VI Dionysus of Persia

A good way to get the "kid"s reading....this step into reading book on left, Tut's Mummy..

Antiochus VI Dionysus of Persia

The Mystery of the Pharaoh in the Silver Casket

The Mystery of the Pharaoh in the Silver Casket   I am reading Cleopatra on my Kindle.  I still love to buy the book, but have decided that it is time for a Kindle, so when I am stuck waiting for my husband, I can call up a book at any time.  i bought the wireless one here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident Some of you may never have seen or heard of this extraordinary event.  Dr Mitchell is calling for the government to reveal information on alien life. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

World first: Calculations with 14 quantum bits

World first: Calculations with 14 quantum bits The quantum computer is getting closer and closer. What does it mean if we can control entanglement, how does that affect us as humans, can we extrapolate that?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mines and Communities: Hell on Earth - Norilsk in Russia

Mines and Communities: Hell on Earth - Norilsk in Russia   We worry about pollution from the oil rigs.
This is what batteries and technology require, the minerals of the earth.   All energy comes from the environment.  Thinking required!

Could lead codices prove ‘the major discovery of Christian history’?

Could lead codices prove ‘the major discovery of Christian history’? This is an exciting discovery that could bring us back to the earliest period of time to the death of Jesus.  I was  just reminded of the movie that I am posting here, I thought it was a great movie, some may disagree,  I also enjoyed the music.

Monday, March 28, 2011

BBC News - Viewpoint: We should stop running away from radiation

BBC News - Viewpoint: We should stop running away from radiation It might be helpful to read this, and bear in mind the dangers of radiation when we design and build new plants.

The Olmecs and How They Vanished from History

The Olmecs and How They Vanished from History Over the past week, when I read about the nuclear disaster in Japan, and then again and again, about the disaster, being harder and harder to control, I wondered..... What if some kind of nuclear event wiped out the civilization that we can find no trace of? What if, something nuclear happened from outer space? Bell Theorm leads to the thought that something from outer space, some lethal cosmic ray might have caused the disapperance of the people. What if?

Smokey Robinson - Just To See Her

Karenrose, oh! Just to see her again! She has grown, she can count, and say the alphabet! The joy of being grandparents! Smokey Robinson, how can we forget this great music...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

David Bowie - Let's Dance

Lets dance! 

Mystic Moods One Stormy Night Fire Island

   Give it a moment to start from the 70's....great will be hard to find someday, so grab an album if you like it....

Are we writing our own James Bond novel? 

Creative consciousness.......with some meditating music....What if? 

Naysayers, beware, these things can be planned...who can truly say it is not possible?

What if, the uprising in the Middle East was planned and orchestrated?  What if, the weapons we provided, and the money we provided to countries in the middle east were being used to take over the countries and mold them into a Caliphate?    What if?

  What if we are providing a window of opportunity for these countries to be free to worship radical Islam?  What if? 

There is no way of knowing until a leader emerges.

What if a leader is not willing to emerge, because it will clue us in to what is going on?

What if?

What if, the lesson is laid out before us, that we are our own worst enemies in our choices of action?  Our own people are suffering a serious recession, loss of jobs and yet, we take our productive society and we bleed it to send $$$ , millions of dollars overseas to be used against ourselves and other human beings in weapons and misery.

Even if you are not religious, it is time for sending out thoughts of goodness and love for the world.  Will our thoughts be strong enough if we send them out daily?  Can we send a message around the world? 

Can creative consciousness and focus on good thoughts create a vibration of goodness in the world?

Could we be writing our own James Bond novel of good against evil?  Ah, What if?


Friday, March 25, 2011

New Dimensions

Short cut to learning about the new phyisics at this locatioon, bradcasts make it easy

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Mysteries of Delhi’s Iron Pillar

The Mysteries of Delhi’s Iron Pillar     It is always interesting to learn something new.  One can only wonder at what we have to learn, what stands before us

 Delhi Iron Pillar: New Insights

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Book Review

Book Review Just a reminder that Paul Von Ward is doing studies in
reincarnation that are promising from many points of view. After all the
new information that is coming to us about matter, it is not inconceivable
that our soul could return in a similar body, as well as a different body as we so chose.

Please take a look at my book, also, "Secrets of the Heart", Madlyn Fafard.
and my blog at

The Dr. Will Pray For You Now

The Dr. Will Pray For You Now   A worthy man, who is creating great joy in people as they recover from illness, with new faith.

I have been enjoying the 700 Club this week, because it is focused on stories of people who died and returned from Heaven or Hell.
My quest to read and study this subject , through stories and popular physics novels began in high school. In those days it was hard to find the many
books we now have explaining what we now know about matter. I will never forget Timothy Leary and Magic Mushrooms, that was the extent,
of what we had a chance to read about in those days. Timothy Leary was dismissed from Harvard because he experimented with LSD, as I recall.
There is no question that experimenting and using hallucinogins is dangerous, as explained in the latest Graham Hancock book, "Supernatural".
Also, Dr. Candace Pert's explanation of what happens to our cells when we use dangerous drugs, in the book "What the Bleep".

What really excited my interest in the continuing quest , happened in the 90's. It was a vision I had at the bedside of my dying Mother. The amazing part of that story is that I was not alone.My mother and the attending Catholic Nun, had the vision with me. I questioned both, to learn this. It was a tearful time for me, and it caused me to write a novel. I have to admit that the novel form was chosen, because I was too timid to admit to the world that I had had a vision. So I buried it in a novel, where I could take liberty with other stories. But in my novel, there are two stories at the bedside of dying people that are true, one is that of my Mom., the other is my daughter in the prime of her life.  The stories are woven to showcase the two events, as they touched my heart and soul.  Hopefully, they will give you the same faith that people are finding when they listen to others who have had an extra ordinary experience.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flight to Heaven, Capt Dale Black

Love, paranormal experience, endurance, determination, and perserverance.

What a story of courage and endurance.  I cried with empathy, and smiled with joy, in this two day read, that I sneaked in on my trip to the Miami boat show.
Imagine the overload of viewing the marvelous yachts, yet I found time to breeze through this book which I had been wanting to read for the last 2 weeks.  My new Kindle came in, and I jumped on and ordered. In seconds the book  appeared, and off I went to the world of Capt Dale Black.

A survivor of a horrible plane crash, he had a story inside of him for many years.  I understand that reluctance, especially back then when it happened..   It is frightening to repeat what you experience when you have a paranormal experience because you do not think that people will believe you.
Even the clergy will tell you, you must have had indigestion!  Ha ha, even if you were not eating recently.

Capt Dale Black is incredible, as a person, a survivor and as a story teller, who holds out hope to all of us in this world of matter.  Daily we perservere looking for answers to problems, learning to handle problems, trying to help others while making our own journey.  Dale learned from his experience that he had to remember the love of God in all his endeavors as he progressed from a broken young teen, barely a man, to the dream he had always carried in his heart.

A wonderful book to give to a young man, who wonders how to face life when sometimes the cards seem to be going the wrong way.  .