
Monday, January 24, 2011

Byron Janis, gorgeous music , paranormal, more

Married to the daughter of Gary Cooper who is herself an excellent artist, Byron has overcome many chanllenges in his life, while helping to open the consciousness of others to the coming changes in the human condition.   At his site you will enjoy his piano playing while exploring it.  Here also is a book by his wife.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New consciousness opens before us

Today, I am discovering all the aspects of consciousness, hopeful, as one always is, when we lose loved ones.  Each time someone you care for dies, you hope and pray that what we are coming to believe, (this world is a hallucination, and that we are controlled by a non local location,) as Bell's Theorem has proven.

Our dear friend entered the cold frozen ground in New England today, after a long suffering illness.  He joins my parents and daughter, in the world I believe exists, beyond our hallucination in matter.  It is hopeful to explore these thinkers, and what they have uncovered, in easy reading books.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Lifeboarde

Everyone has to dream their life into existence.  Some of us have a more difficult time than others.  I watched a presentation by the Cassidy's on Fox and Friends and for those that have trouble keeping the dream in mind, this is a fabulous way to lay out what you want to achieve and keep it before you, on a daily basis.  The Lifeboard, take a look at it, and see if it will help you with your game plan for your life.

Everything is in the ether that surrounds us , our hopes and desires are there, we just need to focus on them and bring them into matter.  The Lifeboard is working for some people!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vikings Introduce Native American DNA To Iceland

Vikings Introduce Native American DNA To Iceland      There is so much about the world that we do not know.  Was it possible that the Chinese circumnavigated the world before Magellan?  Evidence seems to point to it.  Did the Vikings bring a native from America to Iceland?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Evolutionpages blog: HAR1 makes us human?

Evolutionpages blog: HAR1 makes us human? It is interesting to see that evolution becomes more conlcusive to some people, but the last paragraph points out that DNA needs more study.

Also, does it have to be DNA? Or could it be we were seeded by extra terrestrials, or even God?                       

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Top 10 Science Books of 2010

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Top 10 Science Books of 2010

Have some fun, and review the articles in this magazine. I think the pick for the top 10 science books is great,
I am so busy writing, I am having trouble fitting in my reading. Guess once I get the 2nd book done, I will get back to some serious reading again.

Get your kids reading, with books like this..they will pour through it if they are inquisitive.  The National Geographic if for you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages

Here is a DVD about the Mayan Calendar that will make you more hopeful rather than thinking of the end of the world.  If you read the reviews you will be able to get an idea of the thinking that is accumulating on the coming date.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Act of God: Moses Tutankhamun and the Myth of Atlantis

A couple more books to continue the quest.   Some of the most interesting puzzles we have in life are the real ones, that tempt us into reading another book and connecting the dots, from one study to the next.

Hy-Brasil, the other Atlantis | Historic Mysteries

Hy-Brasil, the other Atlantis Historic Mysteries Here is another location for Atlantis, it is getting more interesting. How do we know where the oceans where before the flood of Noah, what the land mass was, and where it was? Drilling for miles into the earth's core is helping with alot of new information as are these discoveries.

Here is a novel, set in the so called mythical Hy Brasil, where the reviewer is just as interesting as the novelist.  Read the reviews, you can't lose with the price of this book.