
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Book Review

Book Review Just a reminder that Paul Von Ward is doing studies in
reincarnation that are promising from many points of view. After all the
new information that is coming to us about matter, it is not inconceivable
that our soul could return in a similar body, as well as a different body as we so chose.

Please take a look at my book, also, "Secrets of the Heart", Madlyn Fafard.
and my blog at

The Dr. Will Pray For You Now

The Dr. Will Pray For You Now   A worthy man, who is creating great joy in people as they recover from illness, with new faith.

I have been enjoying the 700 Club this week, because it is focused on stories of people who died and returned from Heaven or Hell.
My quest to read and study this subject , through stories and popular physics novels began in high school. In those days it was hard to find the many
books we now have explaining what we now know about matter. I will never forget Timothy Leary and Magic Mushrooms, that was the extent,
of what we had a chance to read about in those days. Timothy Leary was dismissed from Harvard because he experimented with LSD, as I recall.
There is no question that experimenting and using hallucinogins is dangerous, as explained in the latest Graham Hancock book, "Supernatural".
Also, Dr. Candace Pert's explanation of what happens to our cells when we use dangerous drugs, in the book "What the Bleep".

What really excited my interest in the continuing quest , happened in the 90's. It was a vision I had at the bedside of my dying Mother. The amazing part of that story is that I was not alone.My mother and the attending Catholic Nun, had the vision with me. I questioned both, to learn this. It was a tearful time for me, and it caused me to write a novel. I have to admit that the novel form was chosen, because I was too timid to admit to the world that I had had a vision. So I buried it in a novel, where I could take liberty with other stories. But in my novel, there are two stories at the bedside of dying people that are true, one is that of my Mom., the other is my daughter in the prime of her life.  The stories are woven to showcase the two events, as they touched my heart and soul.  Hopefully, they will give you the same faith that people are finding when they listen to others who have had an extra ordinary experience.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flight to Heaven, Capt Dale Black

Love, paranormal experience, endurance, determination, and perserverance.

What a story of courage and endurance.  I cried with empathy, and smiled with joy, in this two day read, that I sneaked in on my trip to the Miami boat show.
Imagine the overload of viewing the marvelous yachts, yet I found time to breeze through this book which I had been wanting to read for the last 2 weeks.  My new Kindle came in, and I jumped on and ordered. In seconds the book  appeared, and off I went to the world of Capt Dale Black.

A survivor of a horrible plane crash, he had a story inside of him for many years.  I understand that reluctance, especially back then when it happened..   It is frightening to repeat what you experience when you have a paranormal experience because you do not think that people will believe you.
Even the clergy will tell you, you must have had indigestion!  Ha ha, even if you were not eating recently.

Capt Dale Black is incredible, as a person, a survivor and as a story teller, who holds out hope to all of us in this world of matter.  Daily we perservere looking for answers to problems, learning to handle problems, trying to help others while making our own journey.  Dale learned from his experience that he had to remember the love of God in all his endeavors as he progressed from a broken young teen, barely a man, to the dream he had always carried in his heart.

A wonderful book to give to a young man, who wonders how to face life when sometimes the cards seem to be going the wrong way.  .

Monday, February 14, 2011

'The Web of Life' by Fritjof Capra :: A Book Review by Scott London

'The Web of Life' by Fritjof Capra :: A Book Review by Scott London  Something I have been learning is that people often misinterpret the meaning of sharing, dedicating, and for the good of all.  The great thinkers , including the Buddha, had more in their meaning.  It is tied in with addiction, and what addiction means.  Put simply, if we were all St. Francis, depending on others to give us food, clothing and sustenance, there would be no one to farm, produce goods, etc..  We need workers, producers, and people who make things happen, but we can not depend on them totally, or they will lose their will to produce, there has to be pride of production, desire to be successful in your quest has to be satisfied, we are all striving for something, (that is those of us who are productive.)Reading Dr. Candace Pert, in ," What the Bleep do we Know?", she explains addiction, as something we all have in our cells , we live with it daily, this is our reward system.  What we learn from this is not to let addiction get us in any of the areas we can be addictive.  Most important, once we interfere with the cells, they shrink and the treatment for addiction is most painful, as the cells learn to recover.  In other words, do not become addicted to anything. We all have desires, that we must satisfy in order for our drives to be rewarded, it is how we fufill our reward system to our cellular components that counts.  Desire, to achieve, succeed, to meet our dreams must be done with good intent, and right motives.Observing mean spirited rhetoric on the internet, such as," I want to destroy this person", is a desire that is motivated from the wrong intent. .  The only answer to this person streaming mean and vindictive rhetoric, is for them  to examine self and look into self.  Is this truly you?  Is this the person you choose to put forth to the world? Ask, how can you best deal with someone that gets you upset?  Do you truly listen to that person and try to understand the world view of that person?  Understanding the world view of another is important.  Everyday in Washington, we see instant responses to events, that could best be kept under wraps until each side understands the other side, that is where true compromise can be reached.

Fanatic religious people always have destruction in mind, because no one helps them understand that destruction of people with terrorist acts will not bring about their desired result.  Rather, it will stir up stronger dislike for what they represent.  If they have an intent to make everyone believe what they believe then they have to set about changing the belief system, through actions with right intents.  This is the lesson before us, as we come to 2012, I believe.

The Pace of Innovation Never Falters - Technology Review

The Pace of Innovation Never Falters - Technology Review  Technology is miracles.
I have not seen this video but the founding of the United States, with the strength of the individual is what brought the country to it's great achievements.  We are learning all the time, learning that we can be all we want to be, as long as we have good intentions, taking us there.  We can not let others discourage the individual need to strive for success , happiness, and fufillment, there is no such thing as being ashamed of your desire to create and fufill your life purpose.

I remember my philosophy professor (was it Dr. Ridell) saying ,"we all have an obligation to climb the ladder and by doing so , we make room for others to follow!"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Each of us has our own journey, our own purpose for life

This is one of the most important books to read if you are alive now.  It opens your eyes in many ways, especially in the explanation of addiction.   "What the Bleep do We know?"  Dr Candace Pert is right on with her explanation of emotion and addictions.  It is amazing this has not reached the general public yet, as a reason to avoid drugs and alcohol.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Consciousness is the next frontier

My first book, Secrets of the Heart, was an attempt to disclose the secrets of consciousness, through the story of Meggie a dying woman who like you and I lived through the 2nd World War, through the beginning of the age of the teenager, and through the start of what is now "media blitz" learned from war time propaganda.  During this time, we had thoughts, and experiences, that opened our eyes to the times, the present and the future.  Some like Meggie and her friends were able to see the break through's, the coming of the new dimensions in consciousness, just by their daily living.  Meggie speaks with her departed friends and they exchange stories in love, joy and sadness, while she lies on her death bed.  Their contact promises eternal life, and reincarnation as she heads to the unknown dimension. 

Matrix Energetics teaches us that reaching into the next dimension is possible, just as Quantum Entanglement,
and all the marvels of Quantum Physics open our eyes to the new world we are about to experience.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

New Age Spirituality Magazine

New Age Spirituality Magazine here is a good site, with lot of information
for browsing around on the weekend.